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Somewhat dated (2011), but an interesting read.

A Measurement Study of Server Utilization in Public CloudsHuan Liu, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Cloud and Green Computing (CGC), Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2011 extensive study of server CPU utilization across two different public cloud providers. To measure a cloud physical server’s utilization, we launch a small probing Virtual Machine (VM) (often the smallest VM offered) in a cloud provider, and then from within the VM, we monitor the CPU utilization of the underlying hardware machine. Since a cloud is built around multi-tenancy, there are several other VMs running on the same physical hardware. By measuring the underlying hardware’s CPU utilization, we measure the collective CPU utilization of other VMs sitting on the same hardware


In this first post of a series exploring containerized CI solutions, I’m going to be addressing the CI tool with the largest market share in the space: Jenkins. Whether you’re already running Jenkins in a more traditional virtualized or bare metal environment, or if you’re using another CI tool entirely, I hope to show you […]

via Containerized CI Solutions in AWS – Part 1: Jenkins in ECS — Stelligent

Signed up to trial Aliyun, the Chinese IaaS cloud, but found out that they currently aren't provisioned for pay as you go, on demand in the US (or Hong Kong, or Singapore). Monthly contract rates are available, so they have capacity, just odd allocation, considering the competition.

Aliyun IaaS on demand fail
Aliyun IaaS on demand fail

Without actually benchmarking, cost seems comparable to an AWS t2.medium instance with similar specifications: 2 core, 4Gb.